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Published: 16 April 2012

Climate-resilient restoration of box gum grassy woodlands

Michele Sabto

Box gum grassy woodlands are an iconic part of the eastern Australian landscape and once extended across large parts of inland south-eastern Australia. On trial sites on farmland in southern and central New South Wales, CSIRO is looking at ways of restoring these unique ecosystems to improve their resilience to a drying, warming climate.

Box-Gum grassy woodland at Mulligans Flat on the outskirts of Canberra.
Credit: Brett Howland

Box gum grassy woodlands are characterised by widely spaced eucalypts above a ground layer of native grasses and wildflowers. The trees are primarily white box (Eucalyptus albens), yellow box (Eucalyptus melliodora), and Blakely’s red gum (Eucalyptus blakelyi). Healthy box gum grassy woodlands support more than 400 plant species, and animals such as squirrel gliders, goannas, regent honeyeaters and bush stonecurlews.

Historical distribution of box gum grassy woodlands across South Eastern Australia

However, the lower fertile foot slopes and flats that support these woodlands have also been the areas preferred for cropping, pasture, and infrastructure development. Widespread clearing, grazing, cultivation and fertiliser application have resulted in box gum grassy woodlands being nationally listed as an endangered ecological community.

‘A huge amount of money has been invested in revegetation and restoration and increasing understanding of the status of ecosystems. However climate change makes the outcomes of these projects uncertain,’ says Dr Suzanne Prober of CSIRO’s Ecosystem Sciences.

With a focus on climate-resilient restoration, Dr Prober and team members Dr Saul Cunningham, Jacqui Stol and Melissa Piper, are looking at the functioning of soil in these woodlands.

‘Given predictions for a drying climate in south eastern Australia, the capacity of soils to capture and store moisture will become increasingly important for the success of revegetation efforts. We are targeting restoration of soil functioning in depleted native pastures, which are a common starting point for revegetation,’ says Dr Prober.

The trial sites are near Wagga Wagga, Cowra and Boorowa in New South Wales.

A member of the project team sows Eucalyptus melliodora seeds, Binalong, 2011.
Credit: CSIRO

The trial sites are areas that were grazed, often heavily, in the past, and have not had substantial fertiliser applications. Dr Prober explains that the low-input history of the sites is important given that too many soil nutrients, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen, are an even greater problem in maintaining a healthy woodland than too few. This is because high nutrient levels tend to favour exotic species, such as introduced pasture grasses, making them more competitive over the indigenous plants.

Compaction associated with grazing can reduce water infiltration and water storage capacity of the soil. Grazing can also reduce the quantity of perennial native grasses and forbs, which contribute to soil structure by providing year-round ground cover, and organic matter additions to the soil in the form of decaying vegetation.

‘We are trialling five treatments to help increase soil carbon, soil biological activity, and soil water retention: biochar addition, soil aeration, phosphorus fertilisation, mulching, and sowing of native red leg grass (Bothriocloa macra), which is a good coloniser of harsh sites,’ says Dr Prober.

The biochar for the trials is being provided by Sydney Company Pacific Pyrolysis (PacPyro). Pac Pyro’s pilot plant recycles waste organics into biochar and bioenergy.

‘The biochar we are supplying to this project is low in nutrients and has a high stable carbon content,’ says Dr. Adriana Downie, Chief Technology Officer at PacPyro.

Most past biochar trials have involved application in cropping or horticultural contexts where it is incorporated into the soil: for example, in cultivation prior to sowing of the crop. The CSIRO project however, has needed to develop a way to apply the biochar with minimal disturbance to the soil, so as not to unduly disturb existing native grasses.

Applying biochar treatment.
Credit: CSIRO

The phosphorus treatment has been used as a comparison to mimic what might be a typical management strategy for improved pastures in the region. Dr Prober explains that while they expect the phosphorus may improve soil carbon and biological activity, it could favour exotic plants rather than natives.

It is clear that many box-gum grassy woodlands already have many champions among farmers in south eastern Australia. The Grassy Box Woodland Conservation Management Network, established in 1998, has 1500 landholder participants. The network works with organisations across 7 catchments (including the Murray, Murrumbidgee, Lachlan and Namoi) to provide field days, forums and workshops, as well as supporting on-the-ground works.

One of these landholders is Janice Schultz of Binalong. She and her husband Michael run a superfine wool and fat lamb enterprise on their property, and are members of the Harden-Murrumburrah Landcare Group (Binalong subgroup). One acre of their property is in the CSIRO trial.

Separately to the CSIRO project, Mr and Mrs Schultz have been involved with the creekline fencing and planting of indigenous trees, including box gums, and bushes around Binalong.

‘You definitely see improvements over the 10 years we’ve been involved. Before we started it was a sad sight in many of the areas. There was erosion on the steep hills and the banks of creeks were all grassed up,’ says Mrs Schultz.

‘Now, ten years on, we’re seeing higher bird numbers, and birds we haven’t seen before.’

The bush stone-curlew (Burhinus grallarius) is still widespread and common in northern Australia but is listed as endangered across south-eastern Australia. Bush stone-curlews inhabit open grassy woodlands, with grey box woodlands being preferred habitat.
Credit: Drew Douglas. Rights: Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License

The CSIRO project is part of a larger Communities in Landscapes (CIL) project led by Landcare NSW and funded under the Australian Government’s Caring for Our Country program. CIL is an outreach program that aims to increase landholder engagement in land stewardship activities that benefit box-gum woodland landscapes.

Cowra farmer John Rankin who runs cattle and sheep on his property, is also a participant in the trial and describes the patch on his property that is being used as ‘box woodland with native understorey, but reasonably degraded from grazing. It’s native pasture country which hasn’t been fertilised and is probably very low in phosphorous and nitrogen.’

Mr Rankin is no stranger to conservation. As chair of the Cowra Woodlands Bird Group, he has been involved in many on-the-ground works helping to restore box gum grassy woodlands on local farms as bird habitat. On his own property, he has spent a great deal of time and effort establishing a rotational grazing system on some of the less-fertile areas. It aims to assist with the recruitment and persistence of native grasses, box gums, and other plants from box gum grassy woodland ecosystems. This system rests the pasture from grazing in spring to allow native grasses to set seed.

‘We’re finding that with a rotational grazing system we’re getting a much better regeneration of native pasture, and recruitment of grey box and yellow box, and we’re also finding that some of the scald areas [patches of land severely affected by salinity and therefore typically denuded of vegetation] are covering over with native herbs and grasses.’

Mr Rankin believes that two keys to unlocking more farmer participation in on-farm conservation are education and adequate remuneration for land stewardship.

‘Most people you meet are interested in conservation. But most people don’t actually have the knowledge required to carry it forward,’ says Mr Rankin.

‘The other important aspect with on-farm conservation is that people running farms have got to make money. Somehow or other, we’ve got to make the conservation of our flora and fauna a financial proposition for farmers.’

More information

Bringing Back the Box Gum Grassy Woodlands

Biodiversity in the Paddock: A Land Manager’s Guide

Communities in Landscapes Project

Published: 2 April 2012

Computer power stacks up for flood mitigation

Carrie Bengston

The best tools to mitigate the effects of floods such as those we’ve seen recently literally splashed across our TV screens may not be levies or sandbags, but computers.

CSIRO’s computational fluid modelling expertise has enabled Chinese authorities to visualise what would happen if one of their largest dams – Geheyan – were to fail, sending 3.12 billion cubic meters of water crashing onto the town below. The colours denote different floodwater velocities.
CSIRO’s computational fluid modelling expertise has enabled Chinese authorities to visualise what would happen if one of their largest dams – Geheyan – were to fail, sending 3.12 billion cubic meters of water crashing onto the town below. The colours denote different floodwater velocities.
Credit: CSIRO

Wee Waa, Moree and Wagga Wagga – towns that to many people have previously been just dots on maps – recently made headlines, for all the wrong reasons. TV news footage showed these towns deluged with murky water from rivers swollen by record downpours. Residents, emergency services and local mayors could only assess the damage and do the best they could as they waited for damaging flood waters to recede.

While floods like this will always occur, it is possible for agencies and communities to prepare and respond more effectively. Computer power is the key: it can model fluids such as flood waters incredibly accurately. Data about specific landscapes and regions can be combined with mathematical equations of how fluids behave and move, helping emergency managers, town planners and even insurance companies be prepared for future floods.

The data deluge in sciences such as environmental modelling is every bit as awesome as the real-life deluges experienced recently in NSW. Resource managers and planners are beginning to take notice of the power of computational fluid modelling for understanding and analysing vast amounts of environmental data, and for predicting changes due to floods. Computer modelling power is based on both the power of computers themselves and the power of the algorithms (computer processing steps) that run on computers.

Twice each year, the world’s fastest supercomputers are ranked in the ‘Top500 list’. A standard test called the Linpack benchmark compares computers' speeds and energy consumption. Computer owners such as universities and government data centres, technology companies such as Intel, and supercomputer geeks all eagerly await the latest list.

In November 2011, for the first time, the number one computer on the list – Japan’s ‘K computer’ – clocked in at more than 10 petaflops, doing more than 10 quadrillion calculations per second.1

Less than three years ago, these speeds were unimaginable. Every ten years, supercomputers speed up about 1000 times. (This acceleration in processing power eventually makes its way to our desktops, mobile phones and other devices.)

The head of CSIRO’s computational and simulation sciences team, Dr John Taylor, leads teams of researchers with expertise in statistics, mathematics, information and communication technologies and other areas of science. The teams analyse large datasets from huge sensor networks such as radio telescopes, large experiments such as those using the synchrotron, and high-throughput DNA analysis systems.
The head of CSIRO’s computational and simulation sciences team, Dr John Taylor, leads teams of researchers with expertise in statistics, mathematics, information and communication technologies and other areas of science. The teams analyse large datasets from huge sensor networks such as radio telescopes, large experiments such as those using the synchrotron, and high-throughput DNA analysis systems.
Credit: CSIRO

CSIRO’s greenest supercomputer – a relatively new type of supercomputer called a graphics processing unit (GPU) cluster – has made the Top500 several times since its launch in November 2009. It ranked 212 in the November 2011 list.

Located in Canberra, it’s one of the world’s fastest and least energy-hungry supercomputers. Intriguingly, the GPUs at its heart started out as graphics rendering hardware for computer games. So, it’s no surprise that the cluster – now a workhorse for many scientists in CSIRO – can produce informative and stunning animations as it rapidly crunches enormous numbers of numbers.

‘In recent years, the huge increase in computer power and speed, along with advances in algorithm development, have allowed mathematical modellers like us to make big strides in our research,’ says Mahesh Prakash of CSIRO's computational modelling team, led by Dr Paul Cleary.

‘Now, we can model millions, even billions of fluid particles,’ says Dr Prakash. ‘That means we can predict quite accurately the effects of natural and man-made fluid flows like tsunamis, dam breaks, floods, mudslides, coastal inundation and storm surges.’

Dr Mahesh Prakash is one of a team of computational modellers at CSIRO who’ve clocked up several decades of work on fluid computer models and algorithms, including rendering to create ‘real life’ 3D wave and flood effects.
Dr Mahesh Prakash is one of a team of computational modellers at CSIRO who’ve clocked up several decades of work on fluid computer models and algorithms, including rendering to create ‘real life’ 3D wave and flood effects.
Credit: CSIRO

A dam break, for example, is essentially a human-made flood. Like a flood caused by excessive rainfall, a dam break can be modelled on computer.

The models create colourful and detailed animations that show how rapidly the water moves and where it goes: where it ‘overtops’ hills and how quickly it reaches towns or infrastructure such as power stations. This information can help town planners plan structures such as levies and help emergency services respond more efficiently.

CSIRO’s dam break models have been validated using historical data from the St Francis Dam break, which occurred in California in 1928 and killed more than 400 people. Dr Prakash and his team have used the validated modelling techniques for a range of ‘what-if’ scenarios for other dams.

Working with the Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, the CSIRO team simulated the hypothetical collapse of the massive Geheyan Dam: one of the world's biggest. CSIRO combined their unique modelling techniques with digital terrain models (3-D maps of the landscape) to obtain a realistic picture of how a real-life disaster might unfold.

Realistic animations help flood mitigation and emergency response groups to better manage disasters.
Realistic animations help flood mitigation and emergency response groups to better manage disasters.
Credit: CSIRO

These evidence-based fluid-modelling tools can also help decision makers manage dam operations during excessive rainfall, for example, allowing them to determine when to undertake controlled water releases and how much water to release.

The future of computer modelling of floods and other natural disasters can only improve as computers and algorithms become more powerful. CSIRO's own supercomputer arsenal will be given a boost when its GPU cluster is upgraded this year. The tender was won by Xenon Systems of Melbourne and the upgrade is currently taking place.

The leader of CSIRO’s computational and simulation sciences team, Dr John Taylor, says the upgrade will open up even more possibilities.

‘We're anticipating a significant boost in computational performance and greater compatibility with the next generation of accelerator cards, all achieved using less energy per calculation,’ says Dr Taylor.

Flood modellers, regional planners and emergency managers – watch this space!

View a clip on computational fluid modelling for disaster management here.

1 In supercomputing, flops – or more accurately, flop/s, for floating-point operations per second – is a measure of a computer's performance, especially in fields of scientific calculations that rely on floating-point calculations. The prefix ‘peta’ denotes 1015 or 1 000 000 000 000 000 flops.

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